Final Year Syndrome

The days had become quite different now. First two years of my college life were more favouring and in fact flavouring than the days in the final year. It looks like everybody has been infected with a virus. The virus spread like a pandemic. Their behaviours changed; their attitudes changed; the criteria they had to make friends changed; while they remain or at least believed to be the same as they were. It looked to me in the beginning as if they were spurious. But I was wrong. It is the love I failed to digest. They started to express the deeply buried affections they had inside them. They started to love indifferently. The gangs started to dissolve while the whole class started to become one. I was standing away, in a fact chaotic, unable to adopt the sudden change in people around me. The sudden love from nowhere felt fake to me. It took me so long to realize how stupid I was to even confuse their true love for intima...